Sussex law firms unite behind commitment that ‘Racism has no place in our society’

Tisshaws Family Law Solicitors are proud to be part of this collective message.

Sussex law firms put aside their competition today in joining together for a united and collective response to show their commitment to challenging racism.

The law firms agreed to the following statement and coordinated a joint social media and online push to publicise their commitment at 11am on Friday 12th June.


James Clewlow, Managing Partner at PDT said “On Friday 5th June I shared a post on LinkedIn expressing my horror at the response of the US government to the killing of black people and the need for us all to commit to challenge racism in all its forms and to make changes in our organisations and communities. On the same day the Law Society issued a press release repeating those three words Black Lives Matter.

Effecting change is difficult. Effecting change in terms of racism is particularly difficult and involves and starts with a series of personal and uncomfortable questions and challenges.

We agreed as law firms in Sussex to make a joint statement putting aside competition and desire to be unique and individual to support the Law Society commitment on challenging racism.

It’s important that we do not use Black Lives Matter as a fashionable and catchy statement but rather now focus our energy on putting our words into action and carrying through our commitment and making real and systemic change”.

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