When resolving issues arising from family breakdown, it is sometimes beneficial to involve a Family Consultant. This is a brief guide to explain how Family Consultants work and the advantages of working alongside one.
Family Consultants are trained therapists who have also received further training by Resolution, an organisation of family lawyers committed to resolving issues with a minimum of confrontation. This additional training ensures family therapists understand the legal framework and implications of separation and divorce.
The emotions around separation and divorce can be very powerful and the main role of a Family Consultant is to maintain communication between separating couples. This involves giving both emotional and practical support and ensuring that both parties feel their views are both heard and considered. For those locked in conflict and disagreement, a Family Consultant can help to unblock the path to move forward.
Where children are involved, a Family Consultant can help parents to build a co-parenting relationship, along with helping and advising on decisions and arrangements related to the children.
For those aiming to settle their issues using collaborative law, where both sides sit down with their lawyers to agree their terms, the presence of a Family Consultant can be hugely beneficial. In this instance, not only can the consultant prepare both parties for the meeting but can also help the couple and their lawyers to identify issues preventing a resolution and help to overcome them.
Helping both parties prepare emotionally for the legal process to be constructive is an important benefit of using a Family Consultant. If one half of a couple is further behind emotionally, the consultant can work with them on an individual basis, so they are ready to enter any negotiations with a positive frame of mind.
As all separating couples are different, the process is tailored to your individual circumstances and there is no set number of appointments or time frame.
Family Consultants are highly experienced and knowledgeable about children’s development and can help parents to manage their children’s emotions and expectations in an age-appropriate and positive way. And moving forward, a consultant can help you to develop a parenting plan to cover all areas of your children’s lives.
Finally, using a Family Consultant can save money as by discussing and resolving non-legal matters with a consultant, it can reduce the number of mediation or collaborative meetings needed to reach an agreement.
At Tisshaws we often work alongside Family Consultants to help couples separate and divorce with the minimum of conflict. If you would like further advice about this or any other aspect of separation and divorce, we offer an initial no obligation consultation of up to one hour for £50.00 (incl. VAT). To book an initial consultation with us, please contact 01444 472700, email info@tisshawssolicitors.co.uk or complete the form below.
We know how difficult divorce and separation can be, so we offer an initial one hour fixed fee consultation with a fully qualified lawyer, to help you make an informed decision about how to proceed.
To book, please call 01444 472700 or complete the quick contact form.