What is legal separation?

What does being legally separated mean and how does it differ from being divorced?

A legal separation allows couples to formally end the marriage without getting a divorce. For those whose religious beliefs that may prevent them from seeking a divorce and those married for less than 12 months, a legal separation can be a good option to formally declare the end of the relationship.

A legal separation does not legally end a marriage in the same way as divorce, so neither party would be able to remarry, but it signifies that a couple are separated and no longer have to co-habit.

The process involves submitting a separation petition to the courts to formalise the situation. This currently costs £365.

However, as with a divorce any financial or children arrangements will not be legally binding without a separate consent order submitted to the court for approval by a judge.

More information can be found here https://www.gov.uk/legal-separation


At Tisshaws we offer compassionate and practical legal advice and an initial no obligation 60-minute consultation for £50 (incl. VAT) to explain the impact of divorce on your personal circumstances.

We can arrange this in person at our office in Haywards Heath or on a video call. To book an appointment please call 01444 472700, email info@tisshawssolicitors.co.ukor complete the form below.

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