When is divorce the best option?

While nobody ever expects their ‘happily ever after’ to end in divorce, the sad reality is that many relationships do breakdown. While the course of true love rarely runs smooth, how do you know whether your marriage is over or whether it can be saved?

Common reasons for divorce

While each relationship will have its own stresses and strains, there are several common reasons why many couples choose to divorce. These include:

  • Addiction issues which impact the stability and happiness of the relationship
  • Repeated patterns of emotional and physical abuse
  • Infidelity and a continued pattern of affairs
  • Being unable to move on from past hurts – although you both want to put certain things behind you nothing changes
  • You or your spouse blame each other for the problems within the marriage without taking responsibility for trying to understand the issues and how to repair the relationship
  • You have stopped respecting and trusting each other – the feeling that you are no longer partners in anything
  • Neither of you want to address and resolve the emotional distance that has grown between you

Can a marriage be saved?

For those not ready to end their marriage several options can help couples to work through their issues. These include:

  • Marriage counselling
  • Individual counselling
  • Willingness from both partners to commit to making it work
  • Willingness from both partners to look at what they can change to make it work

When the decision to divorce is one-sided?

Sadly, in many cases the decision to divorce comes from one spouse who is unwilling to consider trying to save the marriage.

If your partner is the one requesting divorce while you would like to save the marriage, you can suggest ways in which you could work together to resolve the issues. However, if there is no going back on their decision, it is important that you get prepared.

Talk to a family law professional to understand what impact separation and divorce will have on your specific circumstances. Good legal advice is priceless to ensure you protect yourself and your family in achieving the best outcome.

If it is you requesting the divorce, you have the luxury of taking advice before speaking to your partner about separating. This means you can explore your options, understand the legal issues relating to your personal circumstances and make your decision from a place of knowledge and strength.

When to consult a family lawyer?

It’s important to understand that you do not need to have decided whether to divorce before consulting a family lawyer. Just getting advice on your personal situation and how the law relates to your circumstances is empowering. Once armed with the potential impact on yourself and your family, you can consider your options before deciding which course of action to take.


For those thinking about divorce of separation, we offer a no obligation 60-minute initial consultation for £50 (incl. VAT). This meeting will give you an insight into how the law applies to your specific circumstances and can be done in person at our offices in Haywards Heath or over a video call.

To book a consultation, please call 01444 472700, email info@tisshawssolicitors.co.uk or complete the form below.

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