How to navigate the summer holiday season post-divorce

The carefree months of summer can feel a challenge post-divorce. Here we look at ways to navigate the holiday season to minimise any stress and help you to enjoy the sunshine.


Creating New Traditions

It is unsettling to have to rethink your usual holiday plans, for both you and your children. Long held family traditions can be hard to let go of, particularly ones that may have been passed down through the generations. While this can provoke a sense of loss and sadness, it is an opportunity to create new customs and memories afresh.

One way to navigate this is to focus on what is important to you during a holiday. Is it to spend one-on-one time together with your children? Is it an opportunity to spend time with more extended family members? Would you all enjoy a shared activity-style holiday? Would you all enjoy a camping adventure? If money is tight you may want to consider doing an informal house swap with a friend for a refreshing change of scenery.


Embrace Imperfection

The tyranny of getting everything right is draining and it’s important to accept that perfection is unachievable. Instead, just be realistic about the situation, accept that things may not go smoothly and make the most of the time you are sharing together.


Facing a holiday alone

When you’ve been used to spending holidays with your children there maybe occasions when you are left to holiday alone, while your co-parent takes the children away. This can be one of the most challenging situations you have to deal with, but a degree of planning can help.

Again, accept that you may feel sentimental and nostalgic about the past but do make some loose plans to help you get motivated. You could arrange to meet up with friends you rarely get to see for a walk, coffee, or lunch. Visiting local museums and galleries can also be rewarding, along with spending time in nature.

For those with the resources, take a drive or a train to somewhere you’ve never been before and lose yourself in discovering a new town or city. You could also set yourself a challenge around fitness goals, crafting or volunteering for something you feel deeply about.


Hopefully with a strategy in place you and your family will build new traditions, make new memories and have an enjoyable summer whatever the circumstances.



For those thinking about divorce and separation, we offer a no obligation 60-minute initial consultation for £50 (incl. VAT). This meeting will give you an insight into how the law applies to your specific circumstances and can be done in person at our offices in Haywards Heath or over a video call.

To book a consultation, please call 01444 472700, email or complete the form below.


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